Participating Schools
Choose from the options below to view schools that have registered for Caribou Contests. Institutions like libraries, tutoring centres, and home schools can also register.
Please note: This is not a registration page. To sign up with a listed school or institution, you must contact their Caribou Coordinator about registration and cost of participation.
Schools by Location
Shows the active and inactive schools of the selected location.
Schools by Grade
Shows all schools that have Access Codes for this Caribou Cup year, organized by grade.
You do not need to register with a school to participate in Caribou Contests. To sign up without a school or institution, you can register with the Caribou Virtual School by going to our Online Shop, and when prompted for a school, select the option which says "the attended school is not participating in Caribou Contests this year". For more information see the Caribou Cup Participation page.
- 138,973kod capaian telah dimuat turun untuk Caribou Cup 2024/2025.
- Bilangan muat turun ini tersebar di seluruh 1,011 sekolah di 33 negara.
- Terdapat 26,125 pelajar yang mengambil ujian setakat hari ini di seluruh sekolah 648.
- Gred K/1: 1,387 pelajar setakat hari ini
- Gred 2: 1,927 pelajar setakat hari ini
- Gred 3/4: 6,121 pelajar setakat hari ini
- Gred 5/6: 8,014 pelajar setakat hari ini
- Gred 7/8: 6,942 pelajar setakat hari ini
- Gred 9/10: 1,281 pelajar setakat hari ini
- Gred 11/12: 453 pelajar setakat hari ini
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