Practice Test Statistics
Practice Test Statistics
Number of Practice Tests Written | 2,218,882 |
Number of Tests in English | 2,040,821 (91.98%) |
Number of Tests in Français | 55,775 (2.51%) |
Number of Tests in فارسی | 22,557 (1.02%) |
Number of Tests in 中文 | 57,908 (2.61%) |
Number of Tests in Українська | 1,352 (0.06%) |
Number of Tests in Azerbaijani | 2,713 (0.12%) |
Number of Tests in ខ្មែរ | 34,788 (1.57%) |
Number of Tests in Tiếng Việt | 1,175 (0.05%) |
Number of Tests in Bahasa Melayu | 136 (0.01%) |
Number of Tests in Deutsch | 678 (0.03%) |
Number of Tests in O'zbek | 44 (0%) |
Number of Tests in Русский | 935 (0.04%) |
Average Time | 10:35 |
Number of Tests on Most Popular Day (Oct 12th, 2021) | 9,524 |

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