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Penyelesaian untuk Caribou_Feb_17_2016_Grade_3_4

Three types of candies, similar to the touch, are mixed in a bag. What is the smallest number of candies you have to take out without looking and put on the table to be sure you have at least 3 of one type on the table?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 7

d. 9

e. 10

f. 5

g. 8

<a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUX30zoIk2E' target='_blank'>Open solution on YouTube</a>

Penyelesaian untuk Caribou_Feb_17_2016_Grade_3_4

Three types of candies, similar to the touch, are mixed in a bag. What is the smallest number of candies you have to take out without looking and put on the table to be sure you have at least 3 of one type on the table?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 7

d. 9

e. 10

f. 5

g. 8

<a href='http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x41dfvq' target='_blank'>Open solution on Daily Motion</a>