
Subject Challenge Participation

What are they?

The Caribou Subject Challenges are a new addition to the Caribou site. They are contests of different subjects that will take place throughout the year, in addition to the Caribou Mathematics Cup. Some examples include the Coding Contest and a new Calcrostics Contest.

How many are there?

There will be four Subject Challenges in a school year. They will usually be run on the months that don't have a Caribou Mathematics Contest. That is, September, December, March, and June.

Are they related to the Caribou Cup?

They are not related to the Caribou Cup. The Caribou Cup only consists of the six Mathematics Contests that run throughout a school year. These Subject Challenges will have a similar format, but they will not affect a student's score in the Caribou Cup.

Who can take the Subject Challenges?

Any school-aged student is allowed to participate in the Subject Challenges. The Calcrostics Contest is categorized into grades like the Mathematics contests where a student can participate in their level or a higher level. The Coding Contest is offered with different difficulty levels (Junior and Senior) and a student can choose the level they desire. Students can even choose to do more than one Coding Contest that is offered on a given day if they're up for it!

How are the Subject Challenges paid for?

The new Subject Challenges will adopt the "Non-Math Credits" system. In this system, a student/teacher/parent can purchase these Non-Math Credits. Each challenge will cost 1 credit, and a student will be given access to a challenge if they have an unused credit. Additionally, there is a "School Wide Non-Math Pass" which will give all students of a school access to all the Subject Challenges during a Caribou year (July to June).

How can a student register for the Subject Challenges?

An access code is needed to participate. Additionally, a student must have an unused Non-Math Credit to participate in one of the Subject Challenges. For information on how to register, please visit the Registration Guide.


学生可以在比赛当天的第一天上午 12:00 至第二天的美国东部标准时间晚上 11:59 开始比赛。学生必须使用具有非数学竞赛访问权限的访问代码并登录驯鹿编码竞赛网站开始比赛。一旦开始,学生有连续 120 分钟的时间完成测试。请务必在比赛结束前至少2小时开始比赛,以便给自己足够的时间完成比赛!

Please visit Coding Site (login as Guest) to see the FAQ related to the Coding Contest

您想收到有关即将举行的比赛的更新吗?在 FacebookInstagramTwitter 上关注我们。有关新闻,请访问我们的主页新闻部分。有关通过电子邮件更新,请加入我们的订阅者列表

Coding Beginner, Coding Junior, Coding Senior27th(Wed) & 28th(Thu) November, 2024All Grades
Coding Beginner, Coding Junior, Coding Senior21st(Wed) & 22nd(Thu) May, 2025All Grades


学生可以在任一比赛日,在学校的比赛时间窗口内(默认为 7:30AM - 3:30PM 当地时间)内开始比赛。学生必须点击“开始比赛”并使用他们的姓名和访问代码登录。一旦开始,学生有连续 50 分钟的时间完成测试。学生还必须在参加考试前购买非数学学分。每个测试需要 1 个非数学学分。Calcrostic 的练习赛可用这里

如有疑问,请访问我们的 FAQ / 帮助 页面。

您想收到有关即将举行的比赛的更新吗?在 FacebookInstagramTwitter 上关注我们。有关新闻,请访问我们的主页新闻部分。有关通过电子邮件更新,请加入我们的订阅者列表

Calcrostics25th(Wed) & 26th(Thu) September, 2024K/1, 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12
Calcrostics12th(Wed) & 13th(Thu) March, 2025K/1, 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12