Board Information
Bomb Defuser has a few built-in standard starting positions to choose from.
Beginner has 81 tiles and 10 bombs.
Intermediate has 256 tiles and 40 bombs.
Expert has 480 tiles and 99 bombs.
You can also customize the board by clicking on the above buttons to change the board dimensions and the number of bombs.
We support sizes up to 30x24 and a 90% density of bombs, though expert is just over 20% density of bombs.
Explanation of Images
In Bomb Defuser, the image on a square tells you about this square. Below is an explanation of all the images that can appear on a square.
Unrevealed Squares
This is an unrevealed square. You can choose to reveal it or mark it with a flag.
This represents a flagged square. You place flags on square which you think hide a bomb. This is for your own reference and protection as you cannot reveal a flagged square.
To place a flag on an unrevealed square, or to take a flag off a flagged square, use right click, Shift + Click or change the effect of a click to Place a Flag.
Revealed and End of Game Squares
The above are "number" squares. They tell you the number of bombs in the 8 surrounding squares. The blank square represents 0 bombs in adjacent squares.
This is a bomb. If you did not place a flag on a bomb square, this image will appear on the square when the game is over.
This is also a bomb. This is the particular bomb you revealed and which caused you to lose the game.
This is a "no bomb" square. If you placed a flag on a square that did not hide a bomb, this image will appear on that square when you go on to lose the game.
This is a flagged bomb. When the game is over (win or lose), flags that are on bombs remain flags.
Tips and Tricks
Mark the Bombs
If you are sure that a square hides a bomb, place a flag on it.
This also enables the "fast uncover" option. When you have the correct number of flags around a number square, click on that number square to reveal any adjacent unflagged squares.
Study the Patterns
Recognize patterns to find bombs faster. For example, the numbers 2-3-2 on a wall of 3 squares means those 3 squares are bombs. If a square says 8, every surrounding square is a bomb.
Explore the Unexplored
Not sure where to click next? Try clearing some unexplored territory. You're better off clicking in the middle of unmarked squares than in an area you suspect is a bomb.
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